Clinical Psychologist, Traditional Health Practitioner, Catholic Nun
Sr Letta Mosue
Sr Letta Mosue is a 68 year old Catholic Nun who joined the convent at the tender age of 15. She hails from a family of healers – drawing her healing gift both from her maternal and paternal lines. She began her professional career as an educator and taught for 13 years before enrolling for Psychology studies.
She has worked as a qualified Clinical Psychologist since 2001, and is a specialist in trauma counselling. Her work in this field began with the South African Police Services, who she remained with for six years before resigning to establish a private practice. Alongside this she spent nine years working as an external consultant for the Employee Assistance Programme at the University of Pretoria.
As a leader Sr Letta was elected as Superior General of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Brigid in the Rustenburg Diocese in 2014 and has been serving a second term since April 2021 . She is a member of Interreligious Dialogue and Ecumenism of South African Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SACBC) and is currently in the process of developing a Creation-Centred Spirituality Programme. As a scholar she has presented papers on African Traditional Healing at various International Psychological Congresses and Conferences.
With a passion for healing, Indigenous Knowledge Systems and environmental concerns, she is a member of a number of organisations dedicated to the multiple facets of healing. These include the Sangha Circle – a collective of healers and custodians of African knowledge systems; the Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI) – a multi-faith organisation committed to protecting the Ecosystems of our land; as well as a number of organisations dedicated to the protection of Sacred Sites. She is member of Ubuntu.Lab – a forum for change-makers, emerging and established leaders and innovators to Recreate the Future of Africa we want.
- Clinical psychologist
- Trauma counselling
- Reconciliation ceremonies
- Sacred sites ceremonies
- Spiritual direction